Setting it up!

Postado por ExcedenteDeForça | 10:55

Putting things in motion, first, since I'm not American but Portuguese and my main language is "Portuguese" not English, before I post anything I'll do a spell check on it, not having spelling errors is something that makes a difference, it shows that I'm concerned with my audience, and I do want to achieve some degree of professionalism, not formality, I want to keep things simple and informal, just like if we where chatting in a bar.

Spell checking

So I found this online spell checker that I'm going to use: Free Online Spell Checker
(Here goes a free one way link for the owner lol)

The Template

Next, since I must optimize my time to the best effort possible (Remember the MOTTO - TIME IS MONEY ) I searched for a blogger theme, and I found this one that I'm using that I do think it's cool, so if you want one like this you can get it at: this template comes in 3 colors and is called PassionDuo, for now I think it's enough.

Blogger or Wordpress

Why blogger ? Simple, Google Owns Blogger and I'll be aiming for Google to be my main traffic generator, so...well...Blogger It is. Although I'm pretty much sure Wordpress is a much better blogging platform.

The name of the blog

I did a simple research on Google Keywords tool and this was the best I could came with, it has a cool set of keywords with reasonably "low competition" in the are, plus I can optimize for keyword groups like make money online, or make money, fast money, easy money, easy money online fast, etc... You get the idea right ? So it seamed to me a good choice.


I'm going to set up an account on twitter, some forums and feedburner which is a very good feedpublisher, industry standard really!

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