So, thinks rolled smooth, I got my first feed subscriber from somewhere, I hope it's not a bot LOL, so if you are real do comment this post please, and Thank you very much,
I also lost 4 Twitter Followers but hey...that's Life, so I though of a quick update post on what's on my mind, I wish I had the time to do all I want today but I have to go to Évora today, I have a group paper to do on Work Methodology to deliver first week of January, I need to get that done quick.
About on what's on my mind, during the following days this is what's going to happen,
- The blog design: This is something that's really bothering me, I need to work on it and make something more like, some kind of template that I can use to all my blogs, something slick that looks good and easy to costume, I really wish I was using wordpress, honestly, blogger sucks!!! IT JUST SUCKS, that HTML template editor area it's soooo bad! Takes me so much time to edit simple things, but what the hell I like challenges.
- Twitter landing page: I read a post at problogger on the effects of a custom Twitter Landing page for one's blog. That does sound a good idea, I'm interested to see what can I gain from a Twitter audience, although I need to generate more target traffic from several forums, trough my signature on those forums and trough contributions and reviews critics on those forums, I currently do not have time for that right now, I need to sort out my priorities, I do have a lot of ideas and that bothers me, I need to write down a business plan, sort it out, or I'll get lost and get nothing done. I do think this is the worth enemy of new starting entrepreneurs.
- Adsense: I made 1,40$ This month on Adsense on some very bad (LOL) blogs on sport nutrition that I run, anyway I never put the time on them, they just have 3 to 4 posts each so I guess it's not that bad.
- Affiliation: I got some ideas on what to start to promote, Hostgator, more on this latter, I'm already developing a business plan for this, let's see if I do can resell some Hostgator accounts, I hope so.
- More on Adsense and Seo: I'm reading some stuff on High Paying keywords, so I just registered a blog on a high paying keyword called: How to register a domain name (see the connection with the hostgator affiliation ? Good call hun ? ;) ) The competition is very hard ! But I'm sure I can beat it out, I also got my latest hands on IBP, a tool for SEO (more on IBP later too)
here's the list I found:
register a domain name $34.51
Domain registrations $31.39
Servers dedicated $29.47
How to register a domain name $26.84
Domain names $26.00
Register domain names $25.83
Search domain name $24.75
Domain register $24.25
Domain registration $23.97
Internet domain registration $23.58
Yahoo webhosting $22.05
Domain registering $21.78
Counter strike dedicated servers $21.65
Buy domain name $21.23
Registering domain names $20.71
Domain check $20.21
Buy a domain name $20.12
Domain search $19.83
Dedicated server $19.73
Managed dedicated servers $19.56
Domain name registrations $19.55
eu domain registration $19.52
Domain searches $19.28
Domain names $19.06
Domain name registration $19.01
Dedicated linux hosting $18.35
Available domain name $18.31
linux dedicated hosting $18.20
Dedicated web hosting $18.04
Hosting domain registration $17.87
Dedicated windows server hosting $17.74
Dedicated web hosting $17.63
Hosting dedicated $17.58
Dedicated hosting $17.30
Managed dedicated hosting $17.30
Domain name availability $16.99
ca domain name $16.64
Web domain $16.58
Dedicated web server $16.56
Domain names Canada $16.53
Dedicated server hosting $16.14
Dedicated hosting server $16.03
Cheap domain names $16.00
Register domains $15.92
Dedicated windows hosting $15.90
mohaa dedicated server $15.87
Inexpensive domain $15.70
Domain name $15.69
Dedicated server web hosting $15.44
Domain $15.38
Domain name registration search $15.37
UK dedicated hosting server $15.36
Unix dedicated server $15.17
Cheap domain register $15.03
Dedicated SQL server $15.03
I think that building a blog with Adsense in mind is not a good move, from what I studied it works best the other way around (a.k.a Build something good on anything and then, and only then, put adsense on it)
Well, that's about it for now, once I get that template issue solved (Tomorrow I hope) I'll be on top of everything else on this list and doing solid pillar posts about these matters, for now this is my startup strategy,
Thank you all, comments are appreciated, cheers and happy Christmas !
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So i was looking for, but unfortunatly they shutdown, evostats was a cool, simple, neat and original site tracking free service, I used to use it a long time ago, fortunatly the same guys now run Top.Org , another site trackign free service, so I figure out I would give it a try.
TOP.ORG tracks the number of unique visitors and pageviews a site generates every day. It ranks sites based on the number of unique visitors it gets in a one week period. Every Sunday it resets back to zero and the rankings restart anew.
They keep historical data on the number of unique visitors and pageviews each site generates and aggregate this information for any visitor to see. They also track the number of clicks TOP.ORG generates to every site.
Try it out, it's very simple and neat ;) , I'm on It!
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Ok , simple post, I'm now officially using feedburner for my feed's, remember, follow me and I'll do my best not to disappoint, so I hope I get valuable info to you trough my feeds, subscribe people :)
This is my journey to online income, I'll make it happen ! Sheer me up people!
Url to my feed:
And my feedcounter:
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So I made it to Twitter, everyone's talking about Twitter, I even found that Shaquille O'Neill(click the link it takes you there) is on TWITTER, so hey, I'm on Twitter Too, I also decided to make a 125x125
Twitter Button since I had not found any of those sizes, and I want to fit the Twitter button togheter with those 125x125 badges that I have on the right side of my blog. You're free to use these 2 buttons I did, hope you like them, If you need a costum one you can ask, no problem.
Randa 18 different Twitter buttons like this one.
| |
Siah 42 Twitter buttons - some of them are animated. | |
2 simple round buttons. | |
31 great buttons. The blog might not be in English but the buttons are. Some great designs here. | |
A little widget that shows your latest twits that comes in a variety of looks, sizes and formats. | |
Another Japanese creation that allows you to enter your account name and have a personalized twitter button with your account name on it. Lots of sizes and a few different styles to choose from. | |
36 colorful Twitter badges | |
A service that tracks your subscriber numbers and produces a twitter counter badge for you. |
You can find more of this list at: , a very nice blog for Twitter Fans.
This is day 2 of my blog... moving on to Feedburner Implementation.
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Putting things in motion, first, since I'm not American but Portuguese and my main language is "Portuguese" not English, before I post anything I'll do a spell check on it, not having spelling errors is something that makes a difference, it shows that I'm concerned with my audience, and I do want to achieve some degree of professionalism, not formality, I want to keep things simple and informal, just like if we where chatting in a bar.
Spell checking
So I found this online spell checker that I'm going to use: Free Online Spell Checker
(Here goes a free one way link for the owner lol)
The Template
Next, since I must optimize my time to the best effort possible (Remember the MOTTO - TIME IS MONEY ) I searched for a blogger theme, and I found this one that I'm using that I do think it's cool, so if you want one like this you can get it at: this template comes in 3 colors and is called PassionDuo, for now I think it's enough.
Blogger or Wordpress
Why blogger ? Simple, Google Owns Blogger and I'll be aiming for Google to be my main traffic generator, so...well...Blogger It is. Although I'm pretty much sure Wordpress is a much better blogging platform.
The name of the blog
I did a simple research on Google Keywords tool and this was the best I could came with, it has a cool set of keywords with reasonably "low competition" in the are, plus I can optimize for keyword groups like make money online, or make money, fast money, easy money, easy money online fast, etc... You get the idea right ? So it seamed to me a good choice.
I'm going to set up an account on twitter, some forums and feedburner which is a very good feedpublisher, industry standard really!
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What's in it for you ?
If you are here, reading this, it's because you are looking for some way to start making money online, or to make more money online, you've come to the right place and this post is extremely important for you to understand what this blog can and will do for you!
Hi all, my name is John Mustra, I'm 22 and I'm an average university Joe. I've been working with the bits and bytes of the digital word for some time now.
I've worked on design companies, e-commerce websites, computer assisted graphics, digital paintings, programming online and offline platforms..You know the drill, I "was" a true computer geek.
But something changed... I'm know studying economics and still pulling off jobs mainly on e-commerce and a bit of outsourcing, basically, I've been seeing, waiting and helping others make a buck online....while I'm in debt to pay my university tuition fees.
So this is why I decided to start a project, I have some reasonable amount of knowledge about how to make an Internet business of anyways to work and be profitable, so I'll start from ZERO, step by step, and I'll record it all trough this blog, videos, podcasts and other sources of what I call "social information".
What's in it for you ?...
It's simple, I'm going to research, study, and put to use anything that can make me money online, I'll take out of the way the one's that don't and save the one's that do, I'll record my earnings and I'll keep them update it here.
You can learn lot's on tecnhics for money making online, for generating traffic, to monetize your blog, to make money trough adsense, affiliation programs, etc..
The goal here is to start from 0 and end up developing my own programs and guides for money making, maybe even turning this blog in to a book or an e-book if it turns ou successful,
All that I wish for is that you follow me on this journey, even mimic me if you want, discuss ideas with me, joint venture me, etc... Basically, interact with me, join in the train and I might just no end up being the only one making money online, cause I'm sure I'm going pull this off, and will be here to see it.
Will start from the 0, putting together a business plan, but first I'll copy and paste this introductory text of mine in several forums and provide the blog with ways for you to follow me, so give me some feedback and check out the blog...
If you understand the potential of this, if you share my vision, don't esitate, join me on twitter or subscribe my feeds or future newsletter,
John - The new future internet marketer Reference
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